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The Confidence to Change

Confidence is defined as "a feeling of self-assurance arising from one's appreciation of one's own abilities or qualities"

In simple terms: we think we can

This may seem easy enough for some, but not you. I hope this blog post will help you find that personal confidence you need to reach your weight loss goal.

What are the key ingredients of confidence?

1. Belief in our ability

I talk a lot about weight loss being a mental game and this is just one more example.

If we do not believe we can accomplish something, we will never try. And, you know what they say about that... "you never know until you try"

I also love the quote by hockey great, Wayne Gretzky:

"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take"

How can we be certain of our inability if we have never tried?

And, lets be real, we have all tried to lose weight in the past and statistically, most of us who lose, gain it back. Actually, 90% of people who lose a significant amount of weight eventually gain all or some of it back.

That, however, is for another blog. The point of this thread is that you have succeeded in losing weight before, therefore, you have the ability.

I am going to link the previous blog on Willingness to Change as it addresses this in more detail.

2. Knowledge

How many new pursuits do we embark upon without any research, instruction, or guidance?

Unless you are my husband installing or assembling something new for our home, most of us use instructions before getting started. It's a guy thing, I know...

When a task is new, we want all the information we can find to insure we are successful at accomplishing the task.

Weight loss and healthy lifestyle changes should be no different.

Google "diet", "weight loss", or any other keyword/phrase related to losing weight and you will get thousands of results and each one will be different.

This makes losing weight much more difficult. It is overwhelming and confusing.

So, how do we know what is solid information and what is bogus?

Here are a few questions to ask when you are presented with information:

  • Does it promise big results in a short time frame?

  • Does it require giving up a particular food and/or food group?

  • Is it sustainable?

  • Is it backed by science?

To acquire life long strategies for weight control, the plan must be sustainable. It must also be reasonable, and needs to be proven safe and effective. Also, a truly solid approach to weight loss never involves giving up foods or food groups for extended periods of time.

3. Resources

Having the knowledge and tools will give you the confidence to get started on your weight loss journey and help you with continued success.

Using the information above to seek a plan that is right for you is the first step in gathering resources, but, there are many other tools out there to help:

  • Phone apps such as My Fitness Pal, Lose It, and NOOM not only provide valuable information on calories and portion sizing, but they also give you accountability. By logging your food intake daily, you can monitor your progress, identify areas that need improvement, and also identify what foods and meal plans work best for you. NOOM can cost more but in addition to all the above features, it assigns a real Health Coach to you for a more personal experience. I highly recommend NOOM. There are many other phone applications out there. I am mentioning those I have had personal experience with.

  • Asking your health care provider for help. Your physician or nurse practitioner are highly qualified to assist you in losing weight and creating a healthy lifestyle plan. Many specialize in this area in particular and your PCP can make a referral to see a Weight Management Specialist and/or Health Coach.

  • Seeking therapy for those mental struggles that are holding you back. Depression, anxiety, past trauma, and current situations in life can be a barrier to weight loss success.

  • When searching for information, choose evidence based sources. For example, the Mayo Clinic Diet is a more reputable source than your friend selling a "supplement" on Facebook.

4. Support

Help from others can be supportive in many ways. This support may come in the form of an accountability partner, a friend who wants to lose weight with you, or someone who has successfully lost weight and is willing to help you.

A healthcare provider, health coach, personal trainer, or therapist can also offer professional support. Do not be afraid to ask or seek out this resource.


A lack in confidence comes from:

  • past experiences

  • fear of failure

  • lack of information or resources

All of these barriers can be overcome. It starts with wanting the change and the willingness to try.

It is most important to remember, even the most successful have failed. Often, our past experiences and failures are our greatest teachers.

Thomas Edison is credited with saying, "I have not failed. I have found 10,000 ways that do not work"

Perhaps your lack of confidence to achieve your weight goal is not in your inability but in your approach.

If at first you don't succeed, try and try again... BUT, to add to this age old adage:

Next time, try smarter!

For more resources and knowledge on how to be successful at losing weight and keeping it off, read more of my blog posts. If you are in my area (Northeast Arkansas), schedule a visit with me: 870-936-8000.

And, most of all, never give up,


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